Spectacular Speaking is our annual "family reunion" for fans of public speaking, rhetorical skills, and charisma. In this two-day public speaking boot camp, hand in hand with four top trainers in the business, you will hone your communication skills, get positive and constructive feedback, and grow as a person.
The exclusive format of Spectacular Speaking - four coaches, 8 participants - allows us to build an agenda that puts you in the focus - from the first till the last minute. Since all four of us are both professional speakers and trainers, we have created a sizzling mix of keynote training speeches, practice, and feedback.
We are a group of professional speakers and friends from around the world. We speak, chair events, and coach executives from international organizations, multinational corporations and start-ups.
We left our former lives at KPMG, the World Health Organization, the BBC, and Interpol to break the boredom of the boardroom, counteract conventions at the conference, and add meaning to the meeting.
Between us, we’ve taught in 40+ countries, in 6 languages. We are united in our vision to turn you into an Inspiring Leader. A leader whose words make a difference.
Your presentations will never be the same again. And that’s not a promise; it’s a fact.
For those, who come early-
Two days attendance
Coffee breaks
Regular attendanceIf you’d like to pay by wire transfer, please use the information provided below:
Account Holder: Olivia Schofield
IBAN: DE97 1203 0000 1057 5279 86
Reverse charge mechanism for vat applies
The exclusive format of Spectacular Speaking – four coaches, 8 participants – allows us to build an agenda that puts you in the focus – from the first till the last minute. Since all four of us are both professional speakers and trainers, we have created a sizzling mix of keynote training speeches, practice, and feedback.
The four underlying learning blocks are:

Moving people to action - that is the endgame of rhetoric. But your audience will only take action when they support your message, when you manage to persuade them of your message. In this session you will go through a four-step speech preparation process that will serve you as a blueprint for any future persuasive talk.

Our brains are wired for stories. In the public speaking business, we have a saying: Tell a story, make a point. Stories put things into context; stories are memorable. And if people remember your story, they are much more likely to remember the point behind the story. That's why they are so important, especially in the business world. In this session, we will explore the elements of a good story, how to build a good story and where to find stories.

You see a speaker come up and you just know it's going to be good. Their voice, their poise, their presence. They send a powerful subconscious message. You can be that speaker. You will learn how to raise the level of attention in your audience. You will build your charisma on stage and in life.

You’re watching a presentation and you feel like you can trust the speaker. You don’t know why, but they just seem authentic, honest…totally genuine. When a speaker connects with their audience, when they can truly relate to their issues, they build trust. We do business with people we trust. You will learn and apply the secrets to building that bond of trust with your audience.

Tool up: Strategies and techniques
Day one is all about practical theory. You come to the event with a prepared business speech, but then you enhance it throughout the day. Inspired by the four main learning blocks: persuasion, storytelling, presence, and connection.
Day two is all about practice, practice, practice. And tons of positive and constructive feedback. By the four coaches and everyone else in the group.
Two speeches. First, you will perform your upgraded business speech. And then, in your second talk, you will connect with everyone in the room beyond any expectation.
Village Berlin
Kurfürstenstraße 31/32 – 10785 Berlin – Germany
Visit the Venue website , look it up on google maps, and when on site, lease enter through the main gate to get into the courtyard. You will see an open door to our space on the ground floor.